Bundle Description

Take advantage of our best deal on the site.  All courses are discounted with this bundle package and you get it all!

  • Marketing and Wholesaling (Reg. $497)
  • Virtual Wholesaling Masterclass (Reg. $97)
  • REHAB Fix-and-FLIPS Masterclass (Reg. $497)
  • Raising Private Capital Masterclass (Reg. $497)
  • Rental Property Empire (Reg. $497)
  • The Investor Document Vault with all the Agreements, Contracts, and Addendums tailored for Real Estate Investors (Reg. $497)
  • Everything included in the REI Fast Track Bundle:  WhatsApp Live Private Group Chat, Quarterly In-Person Networking Events, Video and Document Library (this is billed at $49.95/month beginning the second month)
  • 15-Minute Pick-Your-Brain Session with Shomail Malik (Reg. $250) 

Your REI Coach Shomail Malik

Shomail and Farhan have completed over 600 real estate transactions, from wholesaling deals to fix-and-flip rehabs and purchasing residential and commercial real estate as buy-and-holds. They have also raised north of $75M in private equity as direct investments and as funds for various real estate projects. They co-founded the NJ Real Estate Alliance which has 1700 members and are both sought-after speakers in the NJ real estate community as well as national real estate seminars and conferences. They have taught over 1000 students their principles of creative real estate investing through educational workshops and events with their company, TheREIBros. Both Shomail and Farhan live with their respective wives three children each in the Princeton, NJ area.